Digital Marketing VS Traditional Marketing

Digital Marketing or Traditional MarketingIn the last decade or so there has been a considerable increase in digital marketing space with more and more organizations adopting this route to promote their brands and products. The internet along with the social media tools has revolutionized the concept of marketing. Where the online platform has cashed on fast because it has no geographical boundaries is cost effective and a great means of interacting with audiences using innovative tools in the form of fresh content. Each and every tool has the potential for attracting a large database of customers within a short span of time.

What really has made matters easy is that there are a number of metrics tools to evaluate the response figures. A prime example of such a tool is Google Analytics where a periodic assessment of the online traffic towards the website of the company is measured. In hindsight it helps to determine whether a particular approach is working well or not. This coupled by the fact that in terms of content creation along with distribution works out to be reasonable in terms of cost. On the flip side the use of digital marketing methods depends on the internet and technical know how of the customers in using the web

Traditional Marketing

Coming to the domain of traditional marketing they have a proven rate of success. Some of the common methods adopted in this domain are newspapers, billboards and Television ads promoting a business or a product. This marketing tool has a greater reach in the remote pockets as all one needs is access to the newspaper or the television. It operates on the philosophy that rather than reaching out to the customers, you bring the products within the reach of the customer. One of the major disadvantages of this method is the cost factor as one ends up paying a lot for a small space in a newspaper or commercial slot on Television. However with the digital marketing slowly and steadily creating a distinct identity for itself, this form of marketing is on a path of rediscovering itself.

Which One is Better?

From the analysis done till now one would be in a state of confusion as which marketing mechanism is likely to bring in more sales for the business. Are you still in a state of confusion? Well the ideal scenario would be to have a balanced approach between digital along with traditional marketing for better results. An example in this regard would a printed information would have links at the bottom which may contain a YouTube link. In fact most organizations who are still stuck with traditional marketing norms are finding it difficult to carve out a space in the digital sphere. However if a knee jerk reaction in the form of replacing these methods and incorporation online marketing tools may not prove to be all that successful as these have been tried and tested along with positive results.  So replacing something with another tool which has brought in success will not be a sensible decision.

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