Social Media Websites: Helps in Advanced Marketing

Depending on the business and market situation, advertising industry is rapidly changed. New advancement in advertising came with the change in technology. Social media web sites like Face Book, Twitter and many others on internet allow the advertiser to make advertisement more effective and faster.

Mark Zuckerberg, who is just 23 and the owner of Facebook, standing in front of about 250 young advertising executives on 6th November, he announced that Facebook was going to offer them a new concept of advertising. In the past years media has been pressed out to people but now with the help of his social web site approach, he claimed, advertisers will make conversation to others. He said, adverting executives will be able to attach with social network of Facebook users.

Mr. Zuckerberg was similar to Paul Lazarsfeld and Elihu Katz in the book “Personal Influence”, a study about media in 1955. They argued that marketers not just only spread the message with mass audience but they influence the specific individuals called “Opinion Leaders”. They then spread, confirm or negate the message of advertising though their own by personal relationship or word of mouth.

Messrs Lazarsfeld and Katz definitely knew that most of the mass media advertisement would waste and remain unreadable before invention of social media on internet.
Social Media Sites: Word of mouse

Everyone is very strongly agreed that advertising by word of mouth is most effective way of conversation. Everyone likes to share his or her personal experience and opinion on any matter with his or her social network. Marketing experts use this human nature in their own benefits. Concept mostly uses in marketing is that just tell your message to those who is your great lover. He will advertise you. People tell other and they will tell other and so on.

Word of mouse is the electronic version of word of mouth, start using in the social media advertising. People discuss their interest and opinion on social media web sites. The great example of word of mouse is advertising about harry potter. They found some people, great lover of happy potter series, on some social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and some others, and tell them their next novel going to be published. With the very short period of time they found millions of people those were discussing about harry potter new idea. So this the proof of “Word of Mouth”

Social Media Sites: Conversational Marketing

Announcement from the Mr. Zuckerberg and the same thing from the other social media web sites i.e. twitter, MySpace, could amount to a big step forward to the conversational marketing. No need to put burden on the viewers, need to negotiate with them. There is need to tell them effectively. There is need to tell your message only your target audience.

Social Media Sites: Fourth Phase of Advanced Web Marketing

If this technology, social media, take its part effectively then this could be the fourth phase of Advanced Web Marketing. Before this, internet already passes three proven advertising phases. First one is “Display or Banner ads” usually in the form of picture or graphical box on web sites or mostly embedded videos or pictures. Today these account for 32% of online-advertising revenue. Next one is “classified ads”, now 17% of the total, viewed on special classified web sites with different categories according to area. Third is “Search Advertisement”, with the largest share of total 41%. Proven though not invented by Google, the biggest search engine, these are the text snippets that appear next to search results for a specific keyword.

Social Media Sites: Socialization

Together, these three types of online advertising are already entertaining the entire world. From the point of view of marketers, these existing types of online ads are already playing their role in advertising. Customers can now track them by typing keyword or by display ads In display, they can track and measure how their ads are viewed and whether a consumer is paying attention (if he turns on the sound of a video ad, say) better than they ever could with television ads.

The first step for brands and business to socialize with consumers is to make profile pages on social web sites and then invite other members from that particular website. For instance, Warner Bros, a Hollywood studio, had a MySpace page for “300”, its film about Spartan warriors. It signed up some 200,000 friends, who watched trailers, talked the film up before its release, and counted down toward its DVD release.

Coca-Cola, for instance, has a Sprite page and a “Sprite Sips” game that lets users play with a little animated character on their own pages. Face book makes this a social act by automatically informing the player's friends, via tiny “news feed” alerts, of the fun in progress. Thus, at least in theory, a Sprite “experience” can travel through an entire group, just as Messrs Lazarsfeld and Katz once described in the offline world.

This is all done just for the sack of advertising and marketing. Let the lovers and fans connect with the brands. More fans on social websites, more you have customers. It is easiest way to spread information regarding your brand and it also help you to conduct research regarding your business. Conversation and communication is the main reason behind all this. Each of these actions might again be communicated instantly to the news feeds of their circle. Obviously this is a double-edged sword, since they can just as easily criticize a brand as praise it.

Social Media Sites: Connecting with other

Face book even plans to monitor and use actions beyond its own site to place them in a social context. If someone so an action on other website, this information again will shown on news feed of his friends on Face Book, for instance, a Face book user makes a purchase at Fandango, a website that sells cinema tickets, this information again shows up on the news feeds of his friends on Face book, who might decide to come along. If he buys a book or shirt on another site, then this implicit it recommendation pops up too. Another function from the Face Book “Like Us” a gadget, make your customers connect from other website or blog with your Face Book page.

Social Media Sites: Source of True Information

Social websites allow people to opt out of sharing their information. Another potential worry is that the analytical information passed on to advertisers may be of poor quality, because so much of what people put on their profiles is made up or out of date but still it is a source of personal information regarding your customers. Chris DeWolfe, the boss of MySpace, counters that his research shows that 98% of American MySpace users correctly report where they live. And they tend to report important changes in their lives—such as getting engaged—promptly. This presents great marketing opportunities. This helps marketers to make forecast about your brand.

Yet another problem, says Paul Martino, an entrepreneur who launched Tribe, an early social website, is that the interpersonal connections (called the “social graph”) on such websites are also of low quality. Because few people urge to abandon former friends or to snub unwanted friend requests from casual links, “social graphs worsen to noise in all cases,” he says. If he is right, social-marketing campaigns will fall down into illustration clutter about the banal doings of increasingly unsystematic people, rather than being the next big thing in advertising. 

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